Monthly Archives: December 2013

Recap of 2013.

Hi friends!  It seems like I’ve had a lot going on this year and my posts have been sporadic. But I’m still around and I’d love to recap what my year was about.  When I DID post that is 🙂  I’d love to call them highlights but honestly a lot of them don’t seem so exciting to fall under that category!

December: 32 years ago today I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

November: Oops.

October: What I am very glad about is that I am an empowered patient and have the wisdom to make this sort of determination.

September: Have you ever felt that something in your life needed to be “recharged”?

August: This is a fairly new collaboration within the diabetes online community to spread knowledge about the fact that the glucose test strips we use today, yes in 2013, are not completely accurate.

July: Talking with a true inspiration.

June: This isn’t really diabetes related.  But it’s about a huge part of my life – my twin sister.

May: Like the past conferences, I had a wonderful time.

April: I am honored to be hosting the Best of The ‘Betes Blogs for the month of April.

March: It was a little after 1am when I woke up kind of suddenly.

February:  Lucky for me, the great people over at Sanofi Diabetes asked if I was willing to share some advice or tips if you will, on traveling with diabetes.

January: When I was growing up with diabetes, there weren’t many books around that I knew of on the topic.

I cannot believe that we are getting ready to say goodbye to another year.  Is it me or did this one just fly right by?? I want to wish all of you a very happy and healthy new year.  May 2014 be good to all of you 🙂


Thirty two.

32 years ago today I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.  (damn I feel old)  It is impossible to forget the anniversary of my diagnosis since it falls on Christmas eve.  To be honest once the festivities begin, it usually slips to the back of my mind.  But as the day approaches I can’t help but reflect over the past many years.   How much has changed in my life since that day when I was a little girl.  How many finger pricks I’ve done.  How many injections I’ve received.  How many doctors I’ve seen.  How many high and low blood sugars I’ve had.  It’s all countless at this point.

I know one can, and I have so far, lived well with diabetes.  But there are fears that remain.  And although sometimes they rear their ugly heads, I focus on the positive.  Which there is a lot of.  I’m hoping to head into my 33rd year on a good note and that the new year will be a good one for me and everyone else that is affected by diabetes.

Happy Holidays to you and yours!