Monthly Archives: September 2013


Have you ever felt that something in your life needed to be “recharged”?  I have been going to my current diabetes care office for about 14-15 years.  When I met my husband, I think I was still seeing my pediatric endo!  Fortunately my mother in law worked in one of the local hospital systems and recommended an endocrinologist to me, one that she knew of from the hospital.  And so I went.  I was pleased with Dr. R and the rest of the staff including both CDEs that I have been seen by.  It was under her encouragement that I went on an insulin pump almost 7 years ago.  Then about 2-3 years ago (I think) Dr. R left the practice to go somewhere new and since then I have been seeing her replacement, Dr. K.  I am very comfortable with this office.  They always get back to me and get any paperwork or prescriptions filled out pretty quickly. They even know me by just the sound of my voice!  I go for my visits every 3 months like clockwork.  I don’t dislike Dr. K at all but sometimes I feel that she may be too easygoing.  Only ordering blood work at my own request.  Not fully understanding why I have some minor complications after 31+ years.  I have been feeling recently that maybe an overhaul of my health team was in need.


This past weekend we were at a friend’s 40th birthday party where I met a fellow person with T1D.  We chatted briefly and she asked who my endocrinologist was.  She told me hers and said that she loved her.  That got me thinking even more.  I made a call to this new doctor yesterday to find out if she was accepting new patients.  She is, however a referral from a doctor is needed in order to be seen.  Even though it sounded strange to me, I went in search of who could provide me with the referral.  Lo and behold, my awesome gastroenterologist was willing to provide me with what I needed.  And I have an appointment scheduled for early next month.  I have such mixed emotions.  I’m hopeful that maybe I will love this doctor.  I’m scared about seeing someone new and being in a new environment.  I feel bad about finding somewhere different, like I’m cheating on my current health team.  I’m optimistic that my diabetes management will get the boost it possibly needs.  But most of all I’m nervous that it will turn out to be me, the one who has been too laid-back with things.


Right after Memorial day, I came down with an illness.  I was sick for almost 2 weeks with multiple trips to the doctor to rule out pneumonia.  It was diagnosed as severe bronchitis and warranted a dose of steroids to finally get rid of.  It was one of my sickest moments and I was hoping to never have that again.  Ever.

Fast forward to the end of summer, Labor Day being just a couple days ago.  And I am sick again.  With just about the same symptoms, just not as severe.  Needless to say, I am not a happy camper.

What has me bummed the most is I don’t understand why I keep coming down with such illnesses.  Yes I know that being a person with T1D, my immune system is compromised.  But I have been trying to stay healthy, especially over the past 6-8 weeks.  I have been exercising about 5 times a week, making healthier food choices, and adding a nutritious meal replacement shake to my diet.  And yet I still got sick with not just a little head cold.   Is diabetes really to blame?  Would I be getting so sick otherwise?  Do you feel like you get sick a lot too?  I know I will get better but it’s been a week already and I’m frustrated with feeling so bad.  Right now, I am hating this and wish there was something to blame.